Beth E. Buchanan Memorial Fund

Community Action Project Application

For full consideration, please complete the following application by
October 31st, 2024.

About the Beth E. Buchanan Memorial Fund

Beth had a lifelong passion for making a difference in the lives of others.  Growing up in Fresno (CA), Beth frequently volunteered at a number of local nonprofits.  She was especially passionate about food insecurity, environmentalism, homelessness, and animal welfare. In 2017, Beth earned her Girl Scout Gold Award for creating and implementing a sustainable community garden to provide freshly-grown produce and herbs at a local food pantry. The garden is still operating and flourishing today - serving over 300 families each month with its bounty. 

Beth's interest in serving the greater good was also reflected in her research interests and work as an honors student at Rice University and as a doctoral student in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at University of Georgia. 

Beth’s life was tragically cut short at the age of 23 when she was killed by a drunk driver outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The Beth E. Buchanan Memorial Fund was established to honor her legacy and dedication to making the world a better place.

Community Action Projects

The Beth E. Buchanan Memorial Fund is issuing a call for applications for financial support for youth-led, sustainable community service projects.  We expect to give financial support of up to  $750 per project that is selected. We are open to all community service projects, but we are especially interested in projects in one of the following areas: food insecurity, environmentalism, homelessness, animal welfare, and drunk driving prevention. To be considered, the project must meet the following requirements:

  • Be led by youth or young adult (ages 14-24)

  • Be community service focused

  • Have the potential to be sustainable or have long-lasting impact 

  • Be affiliated with a nonprofit organization with 501(c) (3) status or an educational institution foundation that can receive the funds and provide oversight (e.g., Girl Scouts, high schools, colleges, nonprofit organizations)

Funded projects are required to share progress updates.  Information about the projects (e.g., progress, impact) will be shared with fund donors and the community.

For full consideration, please complete the following application by October 15th, 2023.